A love letter, from your lover
my sweetie, my baby, my lover, my dream come true, my heartbeat, my assignment thank you for the love you’ve shown me and thanking you for letting me love you I deeply deeply desire you, your flaws & your whole existence. I yearn for you and will keep yearning. you make my heart sing, but more like beatboxing plus djing plus a whole concert going in there you came into my life like a random gush of wind. I can’t forget the reflection of the moon in your eyes. we get so many synchronicities that I’ve lost count of. & to me it’s a confirmation that we’re meant to be. ours is written in the stars. a love so divine and so cosmic. grounded and a safe haven. forever a perfection-in-progress. I will always pour my love into you and ensure this is a space for growth. today is just another chance to celebrate our love — to celebrate the day our worlds collided, to celebrate the magnificent display of infinite beauty that is you. the universe continues to shine through you & I couldn’t be more privileged to witness the depth of love that I experience with you.